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Federal Crimes 101

  • By: Donald J. Matson, Esq.
  • Published: January 20, 2021
Federal Crimes 101

What You Need To Know About Federal Crimes

Federal crimes, sometimes called “white collar crimes,” are non-violent crimes that tend to carry a hefty sentence. If convicted of a federal crime, you face significant penalties. Here’s what you should know about federal crimes and how to get the legal help you need during this difficult time.

Money Laundering

Money laundering is a serious crime that involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained money. This usually occurs by transferring it through legitimate businesses. Money laundering is a “wobbler” crime in California, meaning it can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. However, jail time is usually included in the sentence.

Immigration Law Violations

If charged with violating U.S. immigration law, you face significant penalties, including deportation. In fact, many individuals are unaware of their violation of a law. Or, they may be unable to communicate effectively if they have limited English. In cases of immigration law violations, the help of a seasoned attorney is imperative.

Tax Evasion

Tax evasion is a federal crime that can result in a sentence of up to a year in state prison and a fine of up to $20,000. However, the prosecution must prove that you willfully evaded taxes by not reporting all of the income your business earned, neglected to file a tax return, or made false statements on your tax return.


Terrorist threats are taken very seriously by the Department of Homeland Security. Numerous laws exist to allow your privacy to be violated beyond what is protected by the Constitution for U.S. citizens if you are under investigation for terrorism. It’s absolutely crucial that you have a seasoned attorney by your side as soon as possible after learning that you are a person of interest in a terrorism case.

When To Contact A Criminal Defense Lawyer

In many cases, a person is aware of a federal crime investigation before they are arrested, although this is not always true. So, if you are a person of interest in a federal case, be sure to consult with a lawyer immediately to protect your rights against illegal search and seizure, etc. If you are arrested, remain silent and do not answer questions. Ask to contact an attorney instead.

At the Law Offices of Donald J. Matson, we have the skills and resources to provide you with a zealous defense against federal crimes. Call today at (626) 600-3437.

Donald J. Matson, Esq.

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