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New Crime Prevention Research Center Data Looks At Impact Of Immigration And Crimes

  • By: Donald J. Matson, Esq.
New Crime Prevention Research Center Data Looks At Impact Of Immigration And Crimes

Immigration Impact On Crimes

If you have special immigration status in the US, you already might know that being accused of a crime comes with higher stakes than a traditional US citizen. If you’re convicted of a crime, you could be deported. In addition, officials are now taking a much tighter look at the possibility of immigrants committing crimes. You could be targeted even if you didn’t do anything wrong, and you must know how to respond in this situation. Any person accused of a crime in the US needs help from a lawyer.

A new study that explored more than 33 years of Arizona prison data has determined that undocumented aliens are much more likely to commit crimes as well as to commit serious crimes when compared with typical U.S. citizens. The study was recently published by the Crime Prevention Research Centre and it looks at how many additional crimes may have been committed by illegal immigrants across 2016, if Arizona is indeed representative of the entire United States. They found that if undocumented immigrants committed crime nationally as they do within the state of Arizona, this would have translated to thousands more serious crimes including aggravated assaults, burglaries, rapes and robberies. Any crime alleged against a person might have consequences, though.

This perception that undocumented immigrants are much more likely to carry out crimes as well as severe and violent crimes, they put them at a higher chance of being investigated or spoken to by the police in the aftermath of a crime’s occurrence. Understanding who is likely to carry out crimes has become a popular topic in academic research, however, it still raises questions about the legal responsibilities of authorities in identifying whether or not probable cause exists and how this affects undocumented immigrants. The study further found that young convicts are especially likely to be undocumented immigrants. Although less than 2% of the Arizona population was made up by these immigrants between 15 and 35 years of age, they represented approximately 8% of the prison population in the state of Arizona. If you have recently been accused of a crime, you need to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

Donald J. Matson, Esq.

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