The most common types of drug charge cases our Firm handles are: possession with intent to distribute, transportation, unlicensed grow houses, and, occasionally, simple possession.
What Determines Whether A Drug Charge Will Be Filed Or Charged As A Misdemeanor Or A Felony In California?
The biggest determining factor for whether a charge will be filed as a misdemeanor or felony is quantity and how the drugs are packaged. If a defendant has a personal use amount of a narcotic, that will typically be charged with simple possession, a misdemeanor in California. However, if they have that same amount but it’s broken into multiple packages or has other indicators of sales like extra baggies, scales, or along with the drugs the person is carrying a large number of small bills, it could be classified as a felony for possession for sales. Additionally, anyone who is a registered sex offender will be charged with a felony, regardless of the amount or type of packaging.
What Are The Potential Sentencing Penalties Or Guidelines For Or Felony Convictions In California?
Penalties range from drug classes and probation, to county jail or even state prison, depending on how the case was charged.
Are There Any Drug Court, Pre-Trial Diversion Or Any Alternative Sentencing Programs Available For Drug Charges Or Convictions In LA County?
Throughout the state of California, particularly in Los Angeles County, there is a drug court and pre-trial diversion. There is PC1000 and Prop-36, as well as prosecutorial diversion and judicial diversion. There are a variety of methods a defendant can earn a dismissal of their case and avoid a conviction that stays on their record. It is important to get good legal counsel right away to increase your chances of getting a great result that you can live with.
For more information on Drug Charges in California, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling Don at (626) 600-3437 Â today.
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(626) 600-3437